It’s been a while since I’ve written a #tsql2sday post, but thought that this month’s topic was worthy of me hoping into the pool with the #sqlfamily. This month the subject is “Automation”. chosen by Hemanth D. (Blog | @SqlChow). If you want to read the opening post, please click the image above. I’m lover of software automation and been a fan since writing my first macro in Excel when I was in high school.
I’ve been using Microsoft Access since Access 97 it’s a very powerful tool is you use it right. You can use it for everything from personal Baseball card inventory control to managing home inventories; even fortune 500 companies use it to manage million dollar systems. As I said if you use it right it can be quite a powerful tool built on some amazing framework. Recently a friend who’s getting into access asked me if I could provide him some resources so that he can get better familiar with the tool.
Here’s another fun solution for you business intelligence people out there. Suppose you wanted to pull data that was updated in the last 15mins based on when a row was last. I’m sure there are many ways to accomplish this but I like to use the DATEADD() function in Microsoft SQL Server 2008. Below is the query using the AdventureWorks2008R2 database enjoy.
SELECT I.ProductID, I.LocationID, I.Bin, I.Shelf, I.Quantity, P.ProductNumber, P.Name, I.
So I’m about a month late or maybe three in writing my recap on the event so here goes. It was awesomeness !!!! 2012 marked my second SQL Saturday that I’ve attended and have to say it just keeps getting better. This year I was able to volunteer with registration which is an awesome way to meet all the attendees well at least most of them. Also I hooped into five awesome sessions “A Complete BI Solution in About an Hour!
Another #Meme 15 topic brought you by MVP Jason Strate (Blog | twitter). This month topic “What are ten blogs that you think other SQL Server professionals should be following but might not be?” Coming up with a list of just 10 is harder than I thought narrowing it down to ten is just way to hard but i was able to do. The list I put together covers everyone from the newbie to SQL to the all-round DBA.
A business partner approached me the other day looking to share information with my company. Since parts numbers are recycled more often than lame jokes in my business one of the things we needed the business partner to provide was the brand of the part. The business partner said that this would be difficult to do since they were unfamiliar with linking data across tables in any manner. After understanding a little about the setup of the partner’s tables I taught them to design a view linking the two primary tables where the data could be seen together through a view.
This month’s Meme15 assignment and the first was chosen by Jason Strate (Blog|Twitter) he posed the assignment of writing about why do I blog and why I started.
I started blogging back in 2003 just about a one year after launching, back then it was the social network of its time along with AIM and YIM. As me and my high school friends went off to college we stayed in contact via our blogs.
This month’s T-SQL Tuesday topic is from Allen White. He posed the question of what is my favorite little SQL trick. I can’t wait to see what tips the #SQLFamily write about. I discovered one of my favorite tricks last year, just a little background my first SQL version I started out administrating and developing on 8 years ago was SQL 2000 back then to get table statistics was no easy task.
I saw this topic a few weeks back on @sqlrockstar’s site but never got around to writing a post.
I’ve been in working on databases for about 6 years now a mixture of Access, SQL, Teradata, and MySQL. So when I saw the topic thoughts began to flow through my brain. What does the SQL Family mean to me?? it means that there is a network of people with the same interest, challenged by the same problems as me.
First off shout out to Thomas Larock for coming up with this idea. Today’s meme is “Write a SQL blog post in 11 words or less”, and here is my entry: Write query. Syntax error. Search Google. run query again. Happy dance!!!! Some more shout outs to my favorite readings from last month: * Pinal Dave (Blog | @pinaldave) * Brent Ozar (Blog | @BrentO) * Thomas Larock (Blog | @sqlrockstar) * BIDN (Blog | @bidn)