Guess Who Updating the site

Richard Lewis
It’s me !!!!!it was just recently announced that I’ll be taking the US Jaycees website from the current webmaster David. No real reason why was giving why the change. But they posted they were looking on the site and I responded with a letter to President Jeff and the Exec board. Look for more postings over the 12 months about my adventures as their 2010 Website Program Manager.

Why I Relay 4 Life

Richard Lewis
My primary reason for support relay for life is as you may or may not know I lost my grand father to his battle with cancer a few years back and followed by two aunts a few months later. That made really think about cancer and we can cure it. Cancer is one of those diseases that effects people no matter if their rich or poor . If their Black or white, we all know someone who has been impacted by cancer.