The Founding Of The Abbeville Jaycees

Richard Lewis
Over the weekend I read another chapter of the book Young Men Can Change The World. I came across another great story this one of how the Abbeville Jaycees was founded. The story was a recount of the adventure of at the time U.S. Jaycees National Vice President Robert E. Condon who at the age of 29 also held the position of civil defense commissioner for the greater New York metro area.

Outstanding Young Farmers

Richard Lewis
Since 1954 Outstanding Young Farmers has been a signature program of the US Jaycees and believe it or not we’ve got very little to do with. now i know that’s hard to believe that the largest Jaycee state and is covered by 80% of farm land hasn’t Produce an Outstanding Young Farmer since 2008. Well that changes this year, because our states goal is to submit 5 outstanding candidates for this award.

What’s Our Impact So Far

Richard Lewis
As i write this i reflect back on January when State VP Geno asked me what was my Goal for Nothing But Nets? I pondered for a second and said I want to double what we made in 2010 and I wrote down $3000 dollars and then i started to wonder could we really do it? Well I’m excited to say that in just 5 months we’ve crossed the $3,000 dollar mark and were still going.

Scholarship Opportunities

Richard Lewis
By Richard Lewis National Programs & Government Involvement State Chairmen Richard.lewis@iljaycees.org It’s that wonderful time of year if you’re a student the nice weather outside may signal the near end of another year and it’s the time when most Jaycee chapters give away there annual scholarship to students in their communities. But did you know that as a Jaycee member you and your family are eligible for FIVE scholarship programs funded by our organization?

Support Our Troops Update

Richard Lewis
Want to win 100 bucks? This year’s National Chair for the Support Our Troops program has setup a facebook group to communicate challenges and project ideas to directly to chapter members. She is running a challenge, she wants the chapters around country to send their completed CPG’s to her for projects they’ve ran this year by June 1st and she will give the best one selected One Hundred Bucks. Join her group at http://www.

Remember To Vote

Richard Lewis
I was reading a section of a Book called Young Men Can Change The World the other day and wanted to share it with you. It told the story of group Jaycee members out in California who were so passionate with some the legislation being passed in their community that they put together a committee to find someone from their community to run for Representative. After months of searching they found a young Jaycee member who was a lawyer and encouraged him to run, with their support and determination not to lose he went on to win and get elected.

Remember To Vote

Richard Lewis
I was reading a section of a Book called Young Men Can Change The World the other day and wanted to share it with you. It told the story of group Jaycee members out in California who were so passionate with some the legislation being passed in their community that they put together a committee to find someone from their community to run for Representative. After months of searching they found a young Jaycee member who was a lawyer and encouraged him to run, with their support and determination not to lose he went on to win and get elected.

Our Impact Then and Now

Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis National Programs and Government Involvement State Chairmen In 1954 Jaycees from many nations provided medical relief to the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese refugees fleeing North Viet Nam. This became one of our first big international projects; it was known as operation brotherhood and brought international attention to the US Jaycees and our international organization JCI around the globe. When I think of the line in our creed “The Brotherhood of man transcends the Sovereignty of Nations” It makes me think back about the Jaycee organization over the years and our acceptances of each other and our commitment to help heal the world and make it a better place.

How to spend 10 dollars

Richard Lewis
Last month in my Illinois Jaycees newsletter article I talked about what you could do with 10 dollars and the Nothing But Nets Program. How cool is this, today I came across a you tube video asking the same question. The point of the matter is for 10 dollars you can save a person from malaria. Get involved in the Nothing But Nets campaign it can prevent the spread of a disease.

Making Our Impact with Nothing But Net

Richard Lewis
What can you do with 10 dollars? Hmmm buy a shirt, buy 2 footlong subs at subway, buy a couple gallons of gas, 2 cups of Grande coffee at starbucks, or save a life. Yup it’s true for just 10 dollars you can save a life. Malaria infects nearly 500 million people each year and kills more than one million of those who become infected. Last year State Chairwomen Sue Warmuskerken introduced us to the JCI Nothing But Nets program and with yours along with all the members of JCI efforts we have made an impact on this disease.